

Saturday, July 16, 2016

Nicorey Time Stamps Between June 28 and July 15

June 28
10:38 am, cam 1/2, - we’re just friends, things are so confusing
1:55, cam 3/4 – photo session
4:57, cam 1/2 – try to kidnap
5:00, cam 1/2 – talk in hoh room after, flirting
6:25, cam 1/2 – backyard talk about date with victor, date I asked you on
6:40, cam 3/4  - pool game
7:01, cam 1/2 – dance practice
7:26, Cam 1/2 – worrying about kicking Corey out of dance practice, brother and sister comment, I’m done! Freaking out

June 29
12:27 am, cam 3/4 – throwing bread at Nicole
9:24 am, cam 2 – climbs into bed with her in HOH
10:40 am, cam 1/2 - cuddling in the HOH bed
6:08 pm, cam 3 – smiles when she comes into HOH
8:38 pm, cam 3/4 – in-depth discussion in safari room

June 30
11:13 am, cam 3 – hanging out in kitchen
1:40 pm, cam 3/4 – strategy talk
8:52 pm, Cam 1/2-  strategy talk, flirting
9:29 pm, Cam 3 - flirting
11:32 pm, Cam 1/2 - Corey suggests cuddling, Nicole asks for a birthday dance

July 1
2:16 am, cam 4 – strategy talk
2:20 am, Cam 4 – flirting
12:09 pm, Cam 3/4 – flirting and talking about tall/short people
12:30 pm, Cam 3/4 - convo continues
7:22 pm, Cam 3/4 - washing water bottle, talking about how many boys she kissed
8:46 pm, Cam 3/4 - strategy

July 2
3:22 pm, Cam 1/2 – napping in Tokyo, strategy
6:45 pm, Cam 1 – trying to lock Corey out
7:54 pm, Cam 3 – brief moment
8:02 pm, Cam 2 – scaring Nicole hahaha
9:09 pm, Cam 3 – Nicole talking about how Corey’s not into Nat
11:12 pm, Cam 4 – staring
11:35 pm, Cam 1/2 - Flirting
11:38 pm, Cam 1/2 -  Corey says Nicole you can sleep in my bed if you want to

July 3
12:28 am, Cam 3/4 - cuddling
12:44 am, Cam 3/4 - still in bed together
9:12 am, Cam 1/2  - Corey doing double take on James and Nicole in bed
12:36 pm, Cam 3 – Flirting in the yard, maybe we should turn our chairs that way
3:32 pm, Cam 1/2  - Frank commenting that Nicole is Corey’s girlfriend
4.38 pm, Cam 3/4 - talking about cuddling to James and Michelle
5.37 pm, Cam 2 – Cuddling on Corey’s bed
6:52 pm, Cam 1/2 - Playing pool
7:35 pm, Cam 1/2 - conversation on couch outside
7:52 pm, Cam 1/2 - Conversation re: strategy in storage room 

July 4
12:42 pm, Cam 3/4 - Corey acting cray and slightly drunk, flirting with Nic
1:26 pm, Cam 3/4 - keeping Corey out of the house, flirting
2:30 pm, Cam 1/2 - talking in storage room, flirting, Nic saying she won't talk to him for 3 days, the bet
2:53 pm, Cam 1/2 - Day's pep talk to Nicole re: Corey
3:18 pm, Cam 3/4 - talking in bed in Tokyo
3:40 pm, Cam 3/4 - flirting, etc. etc. in Tokyo
4:06 pm, Cam 3/4 - Cuddle session with Nicorey and Vic in Tokyo
6:04 pm, Cam 3/4 - End of cuddling

July 5
12:46 am, cam 1/2 - Nicorey talking in Tokyo
1:54 am, cam 3/4 - talking in Tokyo
2:37 pm, cam 1/2 - strategy convo on HOH bed
3:58 pm, Cam 1/2 - chatting in the backyard
4:14 pm, Cam 1 - convo continues, flirting
7:20 pm, Cam 1/2 - Corey and James talking about Natalie/Nicole
8:38 pm, Cam 3/4 - Corey climbs onto HOH bed next to Nicole and cuddles, both of them look up at camera haha

July 6
I did not keep track of time stamps on this day. If you have any notes about this day, let me know!

July 7
1:44 am, Cam 3/4 - strategy convo with James in storage room
1:52 pm, Cam 1/2 - flirting in bathroom, she's mad at him for ugly cookie comment
11:10 pm, Cam 3/4 - massage during conversation in Tokyo (continues for awhile)

July 8
1:44 am, Cam 3/4 - flirting in bathroom
1:50 am, Cam 3/4 - flirting in bathroom
2:35 am, Cam 1/2 - convo in Tokyo
8:53 pm, Cam 1/2 - James and Nic talking about Corey
9:04 pm, Cam 1/2 - flirting, convo with Paulie and James
11:10 pm, Cam 3/4 - Corey complimenting Nic's bum
11:55 pm, Cam 1/2 - Tiff talking to Nic about Corey

July 9
12:00 and forward, Cam 1/2 - Tiff talking to Nic about Corey
7:03 a.m., Cam 3 - Nic scared of ghost, gets in bed with Corey
7:15 a.m. Cam 4 - Nic gets back in bed with Corey
3:09 pm, Cam 3/4 - Conversation in living room
7:46 pm, Cam 1/2 - Nic says Corey is a great size
8:10 pm, Cam 1/2 - strategy talk with Z in safari room
8:30 pm, Cam 3/4 - talking about Nic getting mad
9:29 pm, Cam 3/4 - let's say we got married, convo about bachelor/ette parties
10:15 pm, Cam 1/2 - Nic and Meech talk about Corey; he is the rarest, he is not real life
10:18 pm, Cam 1/2 - people like that don't exist, convo continues
10:21 pm, Cam 1/2 - Corey comes up, leans over couch, chats with Nic and Meech
10:28 pm, Cam 1/2 - Nic talking about Corey being hot
10:36 pm, Cam 1/2 - Nic says she checks Corey out too much; she'd know if he was a twin
10:50 pm, Cam 3/4 - Nic and Corey talking in have not room; Nic says she's a really good cuddler. 
11:27 pm, Cam 1/2 - Nic and Corey talking in have not room
11:53 pm, Cam 1/2 - Nicorey talking to Tiff in have not room; Nicorey talking about whether they'll stay in touch after BB is over

July 10
12:10 am, Cam 1/2 - Nic asks Corey if he can change tires and oil
12:15 am, Cam 1/2 - Nic tells Corey that Cody was a man-boy and Corey is a man. 
12:47 am, Cam 1/2 - Corey asks Nic why she's being awkward; convo re: game etc.
1:36 am, Cam 1/2 - Nic and Meech stop Corey from exiting HN room
3:07 am, Cam 1/2 - general flirting
3:13 am, Cam 1 – Corey's face issues
3:16 am, Cam 1 - talking about Corey's hair
3:19 am, Cam 1 – Corey's blue thing on his face
3:36 am, Cam 1 – Corey about to ask if Nicole loves him, I need a kiss
3:42 am, Cam 1 – Nicole's impression of Corey in the glasses
3:48 am,  Cam 1: let’s make out, give me a kiss
3:53 am, Cam 1: Corey talks about SF trip; says to Nic, you would have made out with me
4:32 am, Cam 1/2 - cam goes back to bathroom
4:48 am, Cam 1/2 - massage and flirting
4:53 am, Cam 1/2 - moment everyone thought Corey wanted to kiss her
5:02 am, Cam 1 - massage
2:29 pm, Cam 1/2 - Corey talking to Frank and Paul re: flirting with Nic. "I want you to be my baby, I want to spoil you, and have a bunch of brats; wanna make out?"
7:57 pm, Cam 1-4 - convo inside during outback dinner
10:43 pm, Cam 1/2  - dance for Z's b-day
11:16, Cam 1/2 - Corey's prank with Big Meech
11:22, Cam 1/2  - picks Nicole up and apologizes for prank
11:23 Cam 1/2  - flirting, talking about Corey's cramps

July 11
My time stamps from this day are incomplete because of tech issues with the feeds.
2:27 am, Cam 1/2 - this is the night Corey and Nic pulled an all-nighter. Talking at hammock.
5:49 am, Cam 1/2 - Nicorey told to go inside. Flirting. Corey says, "You don't want to scar that beautiful face."
5:52 am, Cam 1/2 - Corey: "You have such a pretty face and then you . . ."
5:57 am, Cam 1/2 - Corey: "you don’t need makeup."
6:36 am, Cam 1/2 - Tired Corey giving Nic the look
7:07 am, Cam 1/2 - Nicorey leaves bathroom and get in bumper car
7:12 am, Cam 1/2 - laughing while cuddling in bumper car
8:08 am, Cam 1 - Corey wakes up and kisses Nic's neck possibly?
9:25 pm, Cam 3/4 - backyard pool game/flirting

July 12  
2:06 am, Cam 1 - Corey gets into Nic's bumper car
2:34 am, Cam 3/4 - Nicorey in Corey's bumper car getting ready to go to sleep
2:28 pm, Cam 3/4 - talk in bathroom
3:55 pm, Cam 3/4 - Corey helping Nic with laundry
11:43 pm, Cam 1/2 - Z and Nicole talking about Corey
11:46 pm, Cam 1/2 - Nic saying Corey is a solid 10, cutest thing ever
11:47 pm, Cam 1/2 - Z and Nic convo about Corey continues
11:56  pm, Cam 1 - Nicole says Corey is the most beautiful man in the world

July 13
3:02 am, Cam 1/2 - flirting and Nicorey hug, Nic fake punches him the stomach. Corey: "you can't hurt steel, baby"
1:34 pm, Cam 3 - Nic shouting out her friends and fam; says Z is an angel and says Corey is cool too. He comes and poses with her. 
2:56 pm, Cam 3/4 - Strategy talk in safari room
3:18 pm, Cam 3/4 - Talking in HN room, Corey hits his elbow on the bumper car haha, badmouthing Tiff
8:00 pm, Cam 1/2 - flirting, go into HN room, studying for HOH comp
8:11 pm, Cam 3/4 - flirting 
10:29 pm, Cam 3/4 - talking in HN room
11:24 pm, Cam 3/4 - Corey pretends to climb into Nic's bumper car; flirting

July 14
8:15 am, Cam 1 - Corey gives Nic massage for a while in the kitchen
11:08 am, Cam 1 - Nic saves Corey a spot in the HOH bed for lockdown; cuddling
10:06 pm, Cam 3/4 - Nic climbs into Corey's bumper car; strategy talk
10:36 pm, Cam 3/4 - Corey: "do you need a kiss?"
10:39 pm, Cam 3/4 - bumper car double date
10:41 pm, Cam 3/4 - flirting
10:43 pm, Cam 3/4 - flirting (continues past 11:00 pm)

July 15
12:06 am, Cam 1 - flirting on futon in Tokyo (through 12:19)
3:35 am, Cam 3/4 - Corey going to go check on Nicole during Tiff freak out
4:07 am, Cam 1/2 - Nicole defends Corey to Tiffany
4:26 am, Cam 3/4 - cuddle on HOH couch
4:43 am, Cam 3/4 - Nic tries to make Corey promise not to watch her yell at Tiff. Cuddling.
4:53 am, Cam 3/4 - making a cuddle date
11:27 am, Cam 3/4 - Corey agrees with Z that Nic is cute and nurturing
11:31 am, Cam 3/4 – Nic checking on corey
10:43 pm, Cam 1/2 - Nicorey talking on Tokyo futon
11:51 pm, Cam 3/4 - flirting while preparing the havenot dinner

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